Commercial Concrete

The construction of transportation networks, which have a direct impact on everyone’s lives, uses two building materials: concrete and asphalt. It’s crucial to take into account the differences between the materials because they are frequently used interchangeably.

Convenience – Because less maintenance is necessary, there are fewer regular delays for repairs, resurfacing, and replacement, which dramatically reduces the amount of time lost and eliminates traffic jams, closed roads, and disgruntled inhabitants.

Safety – Areas with asphalt pavement need more upkeep and repairs than those with concrete pavement. The likelihood of potholes is reduced and vehicle skidding is better avoided due to the solid surface because stiff concrete is more durable than asphalt.

Duration – Some of the longest-lasting motorways, airports, roadways, and other paved networks have been built with this material. Despite being a straightforward mixture of limestone, rock, and water, these pavements see a lot of everyday traffic with large weights.

Environment – Once this material has been disposed of, it can be recycled and used in new pavement or other construction projects. Since construction equipment requires less maintenance, its fuel consumption lowers overall fuel emissions and car pollution.

Cost – Because this paving material can last for twenty to forty years, using it results in significant savings on maintenance and repair costs. Additionally, when traveling on concrete surfaces, trucks and cars consume less fuel, which ultimately saves drivers money on fuel costs.

Concrete paving is a beneficial alternative for street paving and construction—and it continues to be a popular choice—when it comes to safety, durability, and environmental impact.
Pruden Construction has a wealth of experience paving concrete sidewalks, streets, and roadways for a variety of uses. Our civil engineering specialists at Pruden Construction work hard to offer customers a construction material solution that will be advantageous in the years to come.